Scientist of Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University attended in Courses on improving the Educational Program

Scientist of Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University attended in Courses on improving the Educational Program

Head of the Department of Ukrainian Philology and Journalism Halyna Bondarenko took a courses on current issues of design and implementation of educational programs in the specialty 014 Secondary Education

The courses were offered by “The Center for Ukrainian and European Scientific Cooperation” with the support of the Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State University.

The speakers of the event were leading experts in secondary education: Anzhelika Popovych, Doctor of Pedagogy, Associate Professor at the Department of Ukrainian of the Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University, Ihor Androshchuk, Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor at the Department of Technological and Vocational Education and Decorative Art of the Khmelnytskyi National University and Liliia Riabovol, Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor at the Department of Law and Law Enforcement of the Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University

Participants of the courses worked these types of problems as “Goalsetting and formulation of educational programs in the specialty 014 Secondary Education”, “Combination of subject specialties/specialization in educational programs in the specialty 014 Secondary Education”, “Academic and/or professional qualification of teachers involved in EP” and “Organizational, methodological and information support of the educational process in the specialty 014 Secondary education”.