Sustainable development

Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University is a leading institution in eastern Ukraine, which not only provides quality educational services and conducts research, but also acts as an equal partner of sustainable regional development. The University makes a significant contribution to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Education and innovation are mentioned in many of the goals, but the university’s activities are much broader: they cover ensuring gender equality, contributing to the reduction of inequality, increasing social cohesion, protecting the environment, increasing civic engagement, creating sustainable effective institutions, dialogue and partnership in solving society’s problems.

The main driver of all changes are people who are united by common values, the desire to change the world around us and achieve goals. University staff and students are the same opinion leaders and change agents who initiate activities to promote gender equality and disseminate information about environmental protection, develop accessibility projects and advocate for changes in legislation, train future entrepreneurs and volunteer at socially important events. Through partnerships with other stakeholders and our own leadership skills, we are moving forward and invite you to join us in working together for sustainable development.

Olha Porkuian

Rector of Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University

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