Amendments to the University Charter were proposed by the Academic Council of the University and adopted by the supreme body of public self-government – the Conference of the labor collective.
The First Vice-Rector Dmytro Marchenko announced the amendments to the University’s Statute that were to be approved by the Conference. The first one concerned the change of the legal address to the address of the actual location of the university in Kyiv, 17 John Paul II Street.

It was also proposed to amend the Statute in the part containing the list of structural subdivisions, namely, faculties, by establishing a new Faculty of Human Health to develop the areas of medical education that will be needed in the postwar period and liquidating the Faculty of International Relations as it does not meet the legal requirements for the number of full-time students.

Rector Olha Porkuian reported on the proposed distribution of departments among the faculties according to the new structure, namely
- Department of Political Science and International Relations – Law School;
- Department of International Economics and Tourism – Faculty of Economics and Management;
- Department of Foreign Languages and Professional Communication, Department of Romance and Germanic Philology and Translation, Department of Pedagogy – Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences;
- Department of Psychology and Sociology, Department of Human Health and Physical Education, Department of Pharmacy, Production and Technology – Faculty of Human Health.
The delegates of the Conference adopted the amendments to the Charter proposed by the administration by a majority vote. Oleh Zakhozhai, Professor of the Department of Information Technology and Programming, Director of the IT Solutions Center, was also appointed to the Academic Council.

Olha Porkuian reported on the arrangement of the new location of the university, equipment, uninterrupted power supply and the Internet, which is taking place with the help of international partners, and outlined the main areas of the university’s activities: quality of education, dual education, digitalization, internationalization.