University scientist’s creative work was published

Yurii Brovender, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of History and Archeology at Volodymyr Dahl Eastern Ukrainian National University, co-authored the popular science book Archeology of Ukraine during the Years of Independence.

Organizational measures for the preparation of this bright publication were taken by the Institute of Archeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the All-Ukrainian Public Organization “Union of Archaeologists of Ukraine”.

University scientist's creative work was published
In the photo: Prof. Yurii Brovender at the online presentation of the book “Archaeology of Ukraine during the years of independence”

The book contains the most interesting results of archaeological research of monuments from the earliest times of human settlement of the territories of modern Ukraine to early modern times. Luhansk region in this publication is represented by the world-famous monument – the Bronze Age Kartamysk mining and metallurgical complex near Popasna, which Yurii Brovender devoted many years of his creative life to research.