Students of the Faculty of Engineering participated in a thematic student club on the topic: “Interaction of subjects of the dual form of education”. The students had the opportunity to learn about the peculiarities of interaction between higher education students and employers in the transition to dual education, as well as the benefits of dual education for students.
Our students were interested in this topic, namely, whether there are currently any companies with which the university cooperates; what kind of specialists are most needed by companies now; whether dual education in foreign companies is possible, and many others.

The event was held within the framework of the project “Dual Education for Ukraine”, implemented in partnership with the Ukrainian Marketing Association and the USAID Economic Support for Ukraine Project.

The event was moderated by Olena Buchynska, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University, and Serhii Kudriavtsev, PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University.