Representatives of the team of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University Analytical Center took part in the remote roundtable “Business Casualties: How to Record and Examine Damage to Destroyed Property and Estimate Real Losses and Lost Business Profits”, which was held by the Ukrainian League of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs and the Ukrainian Society of Appraisers.

The following issues were discussed at the event:
- The state of methodological support for the assessment of losses incurred as a result of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation (speaker Svitlana Bulhakova, Director of the Property Valuation Department of the SPFU)
- Review of the procedures for recording, inspection and implementation of urgent works related to damage to buildings and structures to eliminate the consequences of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation (speaker: Svitlana Shchelkunova-Honcharska, lawyer, director of LLC “Law Firm “Vsesvit”)
- Assessment of real damages caused by the armed aggression of the Russian Federation (speakers: Oleksandr Drapikovsky, Honored Appraiser of the UTO, REV, Iryna Ivanova, Honored Appraiser of the UTO, REV).
- Evaluation and determination of lost profits of enterprises resulting from the armed aggression of the Russian Federation (speaker: Andrii Chirkin, Honored Appraiser of the UTO, REV)

Issues for consideration in the medium term were outlined. These issues will be sent to the Verkhovna Rada and the Cabinet of Ministers to improve the state policy in this area.