Professional development course from the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture

The professional development course “Teaching success” by the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor Liliia Martynets has started.

Trainer-facilitator Liliia Martynets introduced all participants to the course content, plan and schedule. The seminar was attended by teachers and staff of the Faculty of Agriculture, the director and teachers of the Donbas Agricultural College of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, teachers of the Starobilsk Professional College of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, and postgraduate students majoring in 211 Veterinary Medicine.

The purpose of the course is to show the ways of continuous professional self-development and self-improvement of employees, which will contribute to effective learning, active creative communication with colleagues, studying of the best pedagogical experience, mastering of new ideas and achievements, etc. The course lasts one and a half months, 150 hours, 5 ECTS credits.