Scholarship in honor of the Hero of the Heavenly Hundred and the Hero of Ukraine

Vladyslav Baklan, a student of the Faculty of Information Technologies and Electronics, has been awarded an academic scholarship in honor of the Hero of the Heavenly Hundred Serhii Baidovskyi for the academic year 2023/2024.

The scholarship was established in 2017 in honor of the 10 youngest Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred.

Serhii Baidovskyi, a native of Novovolynsk, Volyn region, a Hero of the Heavenly Hundred, died on the Maidan on February 20, 2014, from bullet wounds. He was 23 years old.

Serhii was on the Maidan because he wanted his children to live in a normal country. One of the last quotes on his social media page is from Levko Lukianenko: “A nation that is not ready to send its sons to death will not survive.”

Serhii Baidovskyi was awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine and the Order of the Golden Star (November 21, 2014, posthumously) for civic courage, patriotism, heroic defense of the constitutional principles of democracy, human rights and freedoms, selfless service to the Ukrainian people during the Revolution of Dignity, and the Medal “For Sacrifice and Love for Ukraine” (UOC-KP, June 2015) (posthumously).