Advanced media for effective educational and scientific work

Olena Karchevska, Associate Professor of the Department of Political Science and Cultural Studies of the School of Law, Candidate of Political Science, took part in the International Training Program within the project “COMSUS. Development of sustainable communications of Higher education institutions in social media” Erasmus + project.

The program was organized by Fundacja im. Zofia Zamenhof, the International Center for Dialogue, Innovation and the Future Foundation, the Anny Tomaszewicz-Dobrskiej Foundation (Poland), Kyiv Business School (Ukraine), Wismar University of Applied Technology, Business and Design (Germany), Mushli Siutki Kocman University (Turkey), and Lusophone University (Portugal).

The training program included various formats that complemented each other in a meaningful way.

The advanced training turned out to be extremely useful and informative – the scientist received valuable practical tools for effective educational and scientific work using the capabilities of modern media. The acquired knowledge will allow expanding the formats of popularizing the values of sustainable development through updating educational components, increasing the effectiveness of the strategy for promoting the scientific results obtained at the department.