Participation in the ICPC-2023 World Programming Championship

Three teams of higher education applicants from the Faculty of Information Technology and Electronics of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University took part in the first round of the ICPC-2023 World Programming Championship (International Collegiate Programming Contest) on the platform

The event was attended by students of the Departments of Computer Science and Engineering and Information Technology and Programming, who created teams:

EUNU_The_Pythagoreans, EUNU_HelloWorld, EUNU_Prograntagonists

For solving common problems due to martial law, the organizers created a group in Telegram. The main competition, which took place on September 30, was held online due to exceptional circumstances. The prerequisites for the Olympiad were to maintain integrity and stay in a safe place throughout the competition, which did not exceed 5 hours.

Preference was given to the official languages of the final – Java, C, C++, Kotlin, Python3. Participants from different cities of Ukraine competed.