On practical fundraising and grantwriting

Andrii Torba, a practitioner, gave a lecture for master’s students of the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship in the discipline of Fundraising and Grantwriting.

Andrii Torba is a graduate of the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship and has been working in various international projects and programs as a grant manager for several years.

As part of the lecture, Andrii told the masters about:

  • the sequence of preparation and submission of a grant application
  • – key features of a well-prepared project concept,
  • – the problem tree, and how to use this tool to analyze the problem that the project aims to solve,
  • – analysis of project stakeholders and strategies for engaging with stakeholders for successful project implementation,
  • – formulation of project goals and how they correlate with the results,
  • – the grant life cycle and a description of a typical grant program.