Professional development training “Teaching Success” completed

The two-month Teaching Success training, organized by the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture Liliia Martynets, who participated in the event as a trainer-facilitator, has ended.

The training was attended by 15 participants: employees and postgraduate students of the Faculty of Agriculture of Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Donbas Agricultural College of Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, and Starobilsk Agricultural College of Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University.

During the last two modules, the participants were able to put their knowledge of the art of teaching into practice, develop their own teaching concepts, “visit” teachers from different fields and specialties, find non-standard solutions for further development, and most importantly, develop their creative projects and successfully defend them. Communication in the team, providing feedback is an extremely important factor for the development of the team and the institution, which was demonstrated during the training.

The organizers hope that this experience will help the participants avoid mistakes in their institutions and use as many active, interactive methods as possible in their teaching.