Future psychologists got acquainted with the practical side of their chosen profession

Students of the Department of Psychology and Sociology of the Faculty of Human Health visited the Center for Modern Neurophysiology for Children and Adults “Development Clinic” (Kyiv). This is an institution that combines the services of psychology, medicine, biophysics and functional diagnostics. The center’s specialists are psychologists, correctional psychologists, medical psychologists, psychophysiologists, psychodiagnosticians, psychiatrists, neurologists, rehabilitation specialists, speech therapists, and many others.

During the whole day spent at the center, the students-future psychologists were able to get acquainted with the basic methods of correction and rehabilitation of both mental and physical activity of children and adults; methods and techniques for studying the human nervous system as a whole, the functions of the brain, its departments and zones, the highest manifestations of its activity (perception, thinking, memory, speech, consciousness, emotional, behavioral and motivational spheres); methods of prevention and restoration of normal functioning of psycho-emotional states (reducing anxiety, depressive manifestations, working with panic attacks, neuroses, etc.)

Due to such a harmonious and effective combination of theory and practice, it is possible to achieve significant results in the process of training future specialists in the study of various professional disciplines.