Guest lecture on professional financial analytics

The guest lecturer Maryna Bielodiedova (Senior Policy and Data Analyst, Data Consultant, Great Britain) gave a lecture on professional financial analytics: the experience of the UK. The event was organized with the support of the Department of Finance and Banking.

The speaker, who cooperates with several research companies and universities in the UK and has more than 4 years of experience in this field, noted that a beginner financial analyst needs some professional skills (Hard skills):

  1. You need to have a basic mathematical background, especially knowledge of statistics, data analysis and basic linear algebra.
  2. 2. Understand SQL – the query language, the main tool for “communicating” with the database.
  3. 3. Be able to use visualization to see how different metrics “behave” in dynamics, interpret and perceive changes, and use Tableau and Power BI tools.
  4. 4. Know Python or R programming languages.
  5. 5. Have at least a B1 level of English.
  6. Also, a novice financial analyst needs a certain set of non-specialized, supra-professional skills (soft skills):
  7. 1. Ability to communicate with people and work in a team.
  8. 2. Strict adherence to time management.
  9. 3. Ability to make decisions.
  10. 4. Financial literacy.
  11. Maryna Bielodiedova provided students with examples of working cases and told them how to start a career as a financial analyst, what threats artificial intelligence poses to the profession, and what difficulties and challenges she faced at the beginning of her career.
  12. At the end of the meeting, a discussion took place, during which students and teachers shared their vision of the financial analyst profession and asked questions.
  13. In conclusion, Maryna Bielodiedova noted that the labor market in financial analytics is quite demanding, so many competencies need to be acquired independently – to look for educational materials and improve the necessary skills.