Online lecture on archaeological field research in the Medzhybizh fortress

An online lecture by Viktor Vietrov, Head of the Archaeology Sector of the Mezhybizh State Historical and Cultural Reserve, on the topic “The Current State of Field Archaeological Research in the Medzhybizh Fortress” dedicated to the unique archaeological and architectural complex located in the east of Khmelnytskyi region.

Online lecture on archaeological field research in the Medzhybizh fortress

The event, held within the framework of the Agreement on joint scientific, educational and cultural cooperation between the State Historical and Cultural Reserve “Mezhybizh” and Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University on the basis of the Department of History and Archeology, gathered more than 60 participants from all over Ukraine..

Online lecture on archaeological field research in the Medzhybizh fortress
Online lecture on archaeological field research in the Medzhybizh fortress