On November 11, 2023, Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University joined an international webinar, a lesson-discussion dedicated to the Day of Dignity and Freedom, organized by the EdCamp Ukraine team.
Global Dignity Day (www.globaldignity.org) is an independent, socially, politically, and religiously neutral project that aims to motivate young people, pupils, and students to be guided by a sense of dignity in their daily actions.
This unique initiative was proposed in 2006 by members of the Young Global Leaders community of the World Economic Forum: Crown Prince Haakon (Norway), Professor Pekka Himanen (Finland), and John Hope Bryant (USA), founder of the non-governmental organization Operation Hope.
This is the 9th time that Ukraine has joined the World Dignity Day, which in previous years has already been attended by 420,997 participants from 3,234 educational institutions.
In no other country in Europe have so many people gathered around stories about dignity at once!
This year, the EdCamp Ukraine team invited school and university administrations, teachers, volunteers, and volunteers who have already joined this unique initiative and those who have not yet had such experience to participate in the World Dignity Day.