Preservation of the Irpin River floodplain is in the focus of environmental scientists

Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering and Ecology Yevhen Zubtsov joined the educational conference “Conservation of the Irpin River Floodplain as a Way to Adapt to Climate Change”.

Preservation of the Irpin River floodplain is in the focus of environmental scientists

Particular attention was paid to the following questions:

  • why communities need to adapt to climate change and how to do it;
  • What is the role of wetlands in mitigating climate change?
  • how energy and climate change are linked: what the city can do to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the context of European integration.

The conference will be held within the framework of the project “Preservation of the Irpin River Floodplain as an Important Element of Irpin’s Green Recovery” implemented by the NGO Ukrainian Ecological Club Green Wave with the support of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) and IKI and Ecodia.