Associate Professor of the Department of Political and Cultural Studies Nataliia Shelkovaia was the only Ukrainian participant in the 8th International Congress of the USERN (Universal Scientific Education and Research Network) held in Yerevan, Armenia. The scientist, together with Professor Daniela Steila of the University of Turin, was a guest speaker at the virtual session with a report “Total Unity as a Saving Intention and/or Paradigm of Humanity”.

In her report, the scientist drew attention, first of all, to unity as a necessary condition of modern humanity. To substantiate and prove her conclusion, the researcher used the methodology of the “iceberg phenomenon” she developed and tried to identify the phenomena that lie under and above the “water” of the iceberg and are the causes of the current crisis of humanity.

All the tragedies, crises, and wars of the Earth are the result of humanity’s forgetting its organic unity with each other, the world, and the Universe. Only by changing the causes that give rise to the world of evil and separation can the lost integrity and harmony of man, society and world civilization be restored, Nataliia Shelkovaia concluded.