Studying the impact of AI on the educational process

Representatives of the Law Faculty of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, associate professors Liubov Kotova, Andrii Fomin and Olena Karchevska, completed the advanced training course “Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Education”. This course was organized by the NGO Progressive and the Committee on Artificial Intelligence Development under the Ministry of Digital Transformation.

The course program was very rich and interesting. Experienced speakers shared trends and tendencies in the development of generative artificial intelligence, revealed life hacks for its application in education, and warned of challenges that are already foreseen.

The following thematic blocks aroused attention and interest: how artificial intelligence can be used to personalize learning and automate routine tasks; whether to allow or prohibit its use in the educational process; how to combine the principles of academic integrity with the usefulness of AI functionality in the work of a teacher.

The technology of generative artificial intelligence already has a significant impact on the educational process, and this impact will only grow in the future, so mastering knowledge about it is an extremely important task for modern educators.