Preparing cooperation between business and innovation specialists

The professors of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University took a 6-week course “R&D and Cooperation with Business” to adapt to the new environment after the relocation and establish connections with enterprises.

The courses were held with the assistance of USAID and the mission of Tech StartUp School – Lviv Innovation Location, which operates on the basis of Lviv Polytechnic. The guest lecturers were leading experts in innovation, business, and cooperation. The following topics were discussed:

R&D ecosystem of higher education institutions

PR management and methods of establishing communication with business

Identification of business needs and organization of the R&D ecosystem

Technical and organizational innovations of the HEI ecosystem

Approaches to creating cooperation with business

Presentation of scientific developments

Organizational, legal and financial issues of education-business partnership

Stages and procedures for establishing R&D centers and laboratories

Development of fundraising

Financing of research

Commercialization management in the academic sphere

Project activities and interaction with international funds and donors.