Contributing to the development of national identity

Representatives of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University joined a partnership meeting dedicated to the implementation of the Strategy for Strengthening Ukrainian National and Civil Identity for the Period up to 2030: Next Steps, which was chaired by the Department for Strengthening Ukrainian National and Civil Identity of the Ministry of Youth and Sports at the ISAR Ednannia Civil Society House.

The event was attended by representatives of central executive authorities, scientific and educational institutions, representatives of international projects and the public, and journalists.

The participants of the meeting discussed the priority areas for the implementation of the Strategy, including: the formation and development of centers for the promotion of Ukrainian national and civic identity, high-quality training of personnel who will be engaged in the promotion of Ukrainian national and civic identity, including in the de-occupied territories; promotion and implementation of activities and projects for the development of national identity; search for all those interested in implementing the strategy and consolidation, interaction and cooperation of all stakeholders and interested parties.