Guest lectures on practical agriculture from Business Stars

Andrii Boriak, 1st year master’s student majoring in Agronomy, became a member of the project “Agrokebety”. The newest master’s program of the project involves communication with guest lecturers – representatives of successful businesses.

The autumn semester of 2023 was full of guest lectures, and the basis of the Agronomy block was taken over by the golden partner of the project, Bayer.

In total, 8 experts from different divisions of the company visited the students and gave a total of 12 lectures. Such a direct involvement of lecturers from agribusiness best combines theory with practice and prepares students for future work.

Agrokebety is an advanced master’s project created in cooperation between business and educational institutions.

The goal is to provide top Ukrainian agricultural companies with highly qualified employees and graduates with high-paying jobs immediately after graduation.

This year, the project has 9 groups of masters in the country’s top agricultural universities, and is now in its 5th year.