Staff preparation for the reconstruction of the de-occupied territories

A Memorandum was signed between Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University and Starobilsk District State Administration of Luhansk Oblast – Starobilsk District Military Administration of Luhansk Oblast.

Olha Porkuian noted that the aim of the long-term partnership is to involve the scientific and educational potential of the University in the future process of rebuilding the de-occupied territories of Ukraine, in particular, Luhansk region. To achieve success, joint efforts of all partners are necessary, because the reconstruction of the de-occupied territories is not only a matter of restoring infrastructure. It is a matter of restoring people’s lives.

During the signing of the Agreement, the participants discussed issues related to uniting and supporting students who will be able to realize their professional competencies through internships, volunteer work, project activities through partnerships, as well as comprehensive assistance to internally displaced persons from the Luhansk region in the field of professional, educational, psychological, organizational and other activities to ensure equal access to quality higher education for all citizens.