Virtual Educators Program successfully continues at Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University

Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University continues to participate in the Virtual English Language Educators project with the support of the Regional English Language Office at the US Embassy in Kyiv (RELO, Kyiv).

In the spring semester of the 2024-2025 academic year, the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation will continue to host a guest lecturer of English, Anna Katarina Tomalin, a certified teacher of English under the Virtual English Teacher (VE) program and a fellow of the U.S. Department of State’s Virtual English Language Educators program.”

The project started on March 13 and will last until May 15, 2024. This is a great opportunity for students to communicate with a native speaker and take an English course in communicative competence, which aims to improve their language skills and familiarize themselves with US culture.

Webinar from the founder of the hibuki therapy method

Higher education students of the Faculty of Human Health joined a webinar by the famous psychologist Daphne Sharon Maksimov (Israel) as part of virtual academic mobility.

The speaker is the founder of the method, coordinator of the Hibuki therapy program internationally and in Ukraine, thanks to which Ukrainian psychologists have received a very effective tool in working with childhood trauma – the Hibuki toy and the Hibuki therapy method.

This event is an opportunity to gain intercultural professional experience. During the educational webinar, the author of the method paid attention to the peculiarities of children’s traumatic experience, shared the story of the creation of the therapeutic Hibuki toy (this method of psychological assistance and the toy itself appeared during the second Lebanese war in 2006, the author of the method is Dr. Shai Heng-Gal), which, through the hugs and professional work of psychologists (Hibuki therapists), has become a friend and savior for almost 120 thousand Ukrainian children.