Participation in the All-Ukrainian project “Unbreakable Law Schools of Ukraine”

The Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University Law Faculty took part in the All-Ukrainian project “Unbreakable Law Schools of Ukraine” organized by leading law schools.

A binary lecture “Justice under martial law in Ukraine: Advice for Clinicians” by Professor Olha Shapovalova, judge-speaker of the Economic Court of Luhansk Oblast, co-founder of the Interregional Expert Center “ProJustice” Olena Fonova, and judge-speaker of the Kolomyia City District Court of Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast Denys Kovalenko on the implementation and operation of the Electronic Court, the procedure for notifying the parties in the TOT, the peculiarities of the parties’ participation in a court hearing via video conference, the renewal or extension of procedural deadlines due to martial law, etc.

Discussed with the head of the PRO BONO Legal Clinic Victoriia Zholudieva the development of legal clinical education in terms of digitalization, touched upon business processes, implemented projects and prospects for the development of the legal clinic in the field of digitalization within the framework of the seminar “Legal Innovations 2.0: Digitalization of the work of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University Legal Clinic” moderated by the associate professor of the Department of Law,

The workshop “Legal Laboratory: Learning through Practice and Cooperation” was held.

Olena Arsentieva, Dean of the Faculty of Law, spoke about the experience of cooperation on the COIL project “Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in Conflict: Understanding these crimes and how gender bias negatively affects their investigation and prosecution”, which was implemented by the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University and The Hague University of Applied Sciences.