The 6th annual EU Career Day was held at the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University

Students, faculty and staff of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, representatives of the educational community, public organizations, business, civil servants and active young citizens took part in the events dedicated to the EU Career Day 2024. The event was supported by the Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine within the framework of the project “Information Support to EU Networks in Ukraine”. The event was co-organized by the EU Information Center in Luhansk region at Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University.

During the panel discussion on “The Road to an Inclusive Society: Best Practices and the Role of the European Union”, the speakers discussed the need to promote inclusion in Ukraine as one of the principles of the European Union in the context of European integration.

The first training was devoted to developing problem-solving skills for successful career growth, where participants received practical advice on how to use methods of solving complex problems not only in the professional field but also in other areas of life.

The EU Career Day is implemented as part of the project “Information Support to EU Networks in Ukraine”. The event has been held annually in more than 15 cities of Ukraine for the past six years. The EU Career Day is a series of public events where representatives of EU Networks and all active and interested citizens can share their thoughts and experiences on the implementation of EU standards and practices in Ukraine, participation in EU programs to develop new business and educational opportunities, and discuss trends in the labor market, including the knowledge and skills that young people need to make a successful career.

The Career Day is an initiative funded by the Delegation of the European Union and implemented by the Open Society Foundation and Youth Alternative. For more information: