Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University: the way to partnership with business and research organizations

Rector of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University Olha Porkuian, together with Head of the Department of Computer-Integrated Management Systems Maryna Loriia and Head of the Department of International Cooperation Department Olena Seredina, took part in the final session of the Horizon Europe program, which is held at the University of Huelva (Spain).

The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) project, funded by the European Union, has developed and is implementing the EIT HEI Initiative. This initiative aims to build innovation and research capacity for higher education as part of the EIT Strategic Innovation Plan 2021-2027.

The HEI4S3-RM project aims to strengthen partnerships between higher education, business and research organizations by developing an innovation pathway for entrepreneurial universities. The international consortium worked on solving environmental problems, introducing innovations, and strengthening the connection between universities and enterprises.  “The creation of the Talent Lab, the introduction of startups, and publications on the project’s topics were important practical results for our university. But even more valuable is the exchange of experience with colleagues from different countries:  Spain, Poland, Germany, Finland, Slovenia, Romania, Serbia, Italy, and Greece. We are deeply grateful to the colleagues for the fruitful cooperation and support” said Olha Porkuian.