Participation in the event in Berlin on the recovery of Ukraine

Head of the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship, Professor Inna Semenenko took part in the conference “Resilience, Recovery, Prosperity: Prospects for the Ukrainian Economy” at the invitation of the Netherlands Institute of International Relations Clingendael.

This conference was one of the official events of the Conference on Ukraine’s Recovery in Berlin, organized jointly by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (Germany), the Netherlands Institute for International Affairs Clingendael, the London School of Economics and Political Science and the Kyiv School of Economics.

In particular, Inna Semenenko was one of the speakers at the section “The Role of Local Self-Government in the Recovery of Ukraine”.

Together with Inna Semenenko, this panel also featured:

Roger Myerson, American economist and game theory specialist, professor at the University of Chicago, winner of the 2007 Nobel Prize in Economics,

Bohdan Ferens, founder of the Sustainable Development Platform of Ukraine,

Nataliia Nazarenko, international cooperation manager at the Association of Ukrainian Cities.

The panel was moderated by Yuliia Soldatiuk-Westerveld, researcher at the Netherlands Institute of International Affairs Clingendael.