Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University graduates can work as construction and technical experts

Masters and teachers of the Faculty of Transport and Civil Engineering visited the Kyiv branch of the National Scientific Center “Bokarius Institute of Forensic Expertise” of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.

The forensic experts prepared an excursion-lecture on the issues addressed by construction and technical expertise, during which Olha Boichenko, Senior Researcher of the Kyiv Branch, who has many years of experience as a forensic expert, spoke about the possibilities of applying construction and technical knowledge during construction and technical examinations and demonstrated how a construction specialist can realize himself in the profession of a forensic expert, which is currently, given the military aggression of the Russian Federation and large-scale destruction of real estate. The speaker also presented the tools of the forensic expert, highlighted the regulatory framework that guides the forensic expert, considered the types of construction and technical expert studies, the responsibility of the forensic expert, shared her own experience and best practices in her work and emphasized that the profession of a forensic expert is quite diverse, interesting, honorable and responsible.

The graduates asked many practical questions, to which the forensic experts were happy to provide comprehensive answers. The participants of the event showed interest in researching methodological approaches to conducting examinations during the diploma practice. Representatives of the university and the management of the department discussed possible further formats of cooperation between the institutions, which will result in joint productive projects and replenishment of the cohort of forensic experts with graduates of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University.

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