Chairman of the trade union committee:
Volodymyr Tyshchenko
- profkomsnu@snu.edu.ua
- +38(050)2542330, +38(095)3839337
Deputy Chairman — Serhii Shabratskyi
Members of the union:
1. Yuliia Bokhonkova
2. Liudmyla Вenishchenko
3. Zhanna Ivchenko
4. Oksana Kupina
5. Olha Kurtova
6. Liliia Martynova
7. Halyna Tatarchenko
8. Olha Chorna
A primary trade union organization (PTO) is a voluntary association of trade union members who, as a rule, work at the same enterprise, institution, organization regardless of the form of ownership and type of economic activity or for an individual who uses hired labor, or are self-employed, or study at the same educational institution (paragraph 2, part 1, Article 1 of the Law of Ukraine “On Trade Unions, Their Rights and Guarantees of Activity”).
The purpose of establishing a trade union is to represent and protect the labor, social and economic rights and interests of trade union members.
Members of trade unions can be persons working at an enterprise, institution or organization regardless of the form of ownership and types of economic activity, for an individual who uses hired labor, self-employed persons, persons studying at an educational institution.
Trade union committee of the primary trade union organization at the enterprise, institution or organization:
- concludes and supervises the implementation of the collective agreement, reports on its implementation at the general meeting of the labour collective, appeals to the relevant authorities to bring officials to responsibility for non-fulfilment of the terms of the collective agreement
- together with the employer, resolves issues of introduction, revision and amendment of labour standards;
- Together with the employer, resolves issues of remuneration of employees of the enterprise, forms and systems of remuneration, prices, tariff scales, salary schemes, conditions of introduction and amounts of allowances, surcharges, bonuses, rewards and other incentive and compensation payments;
- together with the employer solves the issues of working time and rest time, agrees schedules of shifts and vacations, introduction of summarized accounting of working time, gives permission for overtime work, work on weekends, etc;
- participates in solving social and economic issues, determining and approving the list and procedure for granting social benefits to employees; participates in the development of internal labor regulations of the enterprise, institution or organization;
- represents the interests of employees on their behalf in the consideration of individual labor disputes and in collective labor disputes, contributes to its resolution;
- decides on the demand to the employer to terminate the employment agreement (contract) with the head of the enterprise, institution, organization if he/she violates this Law, labor legislation, evades participation in negotiations on conclusion or amendment of the collective agreement, fails to fulfill obligations under the collective agreement, commits other violations of the legislation on collective agreements;
- gives consent or refuses to give consent to the termination of the employment contract at the initiative of the employer with an employee who is a member of the trade union operating at the enterprise, institution, organization, in cases provided for by law;
- participates in the investigation of accidents, occupational diseases and accidents, the work of the commission on labor protection;
- exercises public control over the implementation by the employer of the legislation on labour and labour protection, over the provision at the enterprise, institution or organization of safe and harmless working conditions, industrial sanitation, correct application of the established conditions of remuneration, requires the elimination of identified shortcomings;
- exercises control over the preparation and submission by the employer of documents necessary for the appointment of pensions to employees and members of their families; exercises control over the provision of pensioners and persons with disabilities who before retirement worked at the enterprise, institution or organization, the right to use, on an equal footing with its employees, the available opportunities for medical care, housing, vouchers to health and preventive institutions and other social services and benefits in accordance with the charter of the enterprise, institution or organization
- represents the interests of insured persons in the social insurance commission, sends employees under the conditions stipulated by the collective agreement or agreement to sanatoriums, health resorts and rest homes, tourist complexes, bases and recreational facilities, checks the organization of medical care for employees and their families;
- together with the employer, in accordance with the collective agreement, determines the amount of funds to be allocated for the construction, reconstruction and maintenance of housing, carries out registration of citizens in need of better housing conditions, distributes, in accordance with the procedure established by law, living space in buildings constructed at the expense or with the participation of an enterprise, institution or organization, as well as the living space provided to the employer in other buildings, controls housing and amenities services for employees; represents the interests of employees of the enterprise-indebted
The Trade Union of Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University is guided in its activities by the Statute of the Trade Union, program documents and decisions of higher trade union bodies, current legislation. Within the powers defined by the Statute of the Trade Union, the Regulations of the Trade Union, the Trade Union determines the priority directions of its activities, decides on its own structure.
The Trade Union of Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University carries out representation and protection of labor, socio-economic rights and interests of trade union members, public control over the observance of labor legislation and labor protection, the creation of safe and harmless working conditions, proper working and sanitary conditions, promotes the organization and conducts cultural and educational work among members of the Trade Union.