The regular meeting of the University Administration was chaired by the First Vice-Rector Dmytro Marchenko. The issues of the examination session and final certification of students, the results of checking final qualification works for plagiarism and filling the institutional repository of final qualification works were considered.
According to the schedule in the current academic year, the examination session of the autumn semester will end on 30.12.2022 for all forms of education.
In accordance with the norms, an order was prepared on the certification of higher education applicants and the examination session in the autumn semester of the 2022/2023 academic year.
The peculiarity of this session was the term of its holding (from 21.11.22 to 30.12.22), which is due to changes in the schedule of the educational process in accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Education and Science and the decisions of the rectorate.

The schedule of the examination session was published in a timely manner, and the deans prepared and uploaded electronic records of academic performance to the relevant sections of the electronic university.
The practice of using electronic data has proven itself well, and all academic staff have been working well with it for the 3rd semester.
There are no statistics on the results of the session yet, but there were practically no complaints or comments on its conduct. That is, despite the complexity of the situation, everything went smoothly.
As for the final state attestation among applicants for the second (master’s) level, this year, in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of March 27, 2022 № 376, the previously introduced Unified State Qualification Exam (USQE) was not held, and for the specialties 081 “Law”, 211 “Veterinary Medicine” was replaced by an internal qualification exam.
In total, 512 applicants for higher education of the second (master’s) qualification level must pass the certification. At the same time, 24 applicants for higher education (specialties 081 “Law”, 211 “Veterinary Medicine”) must pass the qualifying exam. Final qualifying works must be defended by 488 applicants for higher education.
In accordance with the order on the certification of higher education applicants and the examination session in the autumn semester of the 2022/2023 academic year, graduation qualification works that have not been checked for plagiarism and are not posted in the repository of qualification graduation works should not be allowed for examination.

In general, in the current academic year, as of 05.12.2022, 408 works were checked for plagiarism at the University, which is 83.6% of the total number, but the defense of graduate works has not yet been completed, and therefore this percentage will probably increase.
As for the repository of qualifying graduation works, the placement of works continues due to the complexity of communication conditions.
The collection of information on the results of the examination session continues until the full completion of the work of the EC and the presentation of the results of their work.
At the suggestion of the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture Lilia Martynets, it was decided to continue the process of registration of sessions in automatic mode.
Also discussed were the issues of academic and social scholarships, ordering diplomas, transferring students from contractual to state-funded education.