Members of University joined the training on “Internationalisation of Higher Education” within the EUs REDU project “Reinventing displaced universities: enhancing competitiveness, serving communities”.
Experts of the training were made by Svitlana Kalashnikova, Zhanna Talanova, Olena Orzhel (Institute of Higher Education of the NAES of Ukraine) and Svitlana Shytikova (National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine).
During the training, work was divided into sections:
- Higher education internationalization: general framework
- Higher education internationalization: resources for Ukraine – individual level
- Higher education internationalization: resources for Ukraine – institutional level
- Erasmus+ Programme: Academic Mobility projects
- Erasmus+ Programme: Jean Monet Actions
- Erasmus+ Programme: CBHE projects
- Project framework (major project parameters).
After processing the theoretical part, the participants were invited to work in groups and develop project to participate in Erasmus+ programme. The experts provided advice and practical tips during the practical sessions.
The training ended with the pitching of projects for participation in Erasmus+ programmes (Academic Mobility, Jean Monet, and Capacity Building in Higher Education projects).