Faculty of Agriculture graduated its first bachelors and masters with diplomas of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University

Faculty of Agriculture graduated its first bachelors and masters with diplomas of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University

A graduation of bachelors and masters of the Agriculture Faculty took place. This year, diplomas were received by 48 graduates of specialties 101 Ecology, 192 Building and Civil Engineering, 201 Agronomy, 204 Technology of Production and Processing of Livestock Products, 208 Agricultural Engineering, 211 Veterinary Medicine.

Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture Liliia Martynets, Heads of departments, faculty members and guests, including employees from Luhansk National Agrarian University congratulated the graduates.

During the event, participants remembered the Luhansk National Agrarian University, after all, graduates of the master’s and bachelor’s level privileged to come at the University in 2021 and 2019 respectively. But time does not stand still, it made its own adjustments to the lives of those who worked and studied at Luhansk NAU. Today, it is these applicants for higher education were the first graduates of the Agriculture Faculty of Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University.

Faculty of Agriculture graduated its first bachelors and masters with diplomas of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University

Everyone present a minute of silence the heroic deeds of soldiers who died while carrying out combat missions to protect the state sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, the civilians who died as a result of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, was honored. The bright memory of our defender Mykhailo Viktorovych Logvynenko was honored, Senior lecturer of the Department of Mechanization of Production Processes in AIC, which the family is now proud of, university family, Ukraine, who gave his life for peace on our land.

Touching, warm words, full of deep respect and gratitude, dedicated by the graduates of Yaroslav Ozoruba, Oleksandr Chulin, Daniil Gradov, in particular, all teachers for creating appropriate conditions for students’ academic and extracurricular activities, for practical assimilation of professional skills and abilities.

Congratulations, Dear Graduates!