The “Digital University” status and performance indicators of international activities were discussed at the university administration

Another meeting of the University Administration was held under the chairmanship of Rector Olha Porkuian.

Dmytro Marchenko, First Vice-Rector, reported on the information support of the educational process: the state of filling the e-university resources, the portfolio of educational programs.

The "Digital University" status and performance indicators of international activities were discussed at the university administration

The content of the electronic “Digital University” is constantly updated and improved, including in preparation for the spring semester. This includes an electronic timetable, an interface for the manual timetable output system, functionality for creating hyperlinks by discipline, a system for connecting to online classes and courses in Moodle, an electronic timetable with an electronic attendance log module, a class attendance monitoring system, a double backup algorithm, an institutional repository platform, a corporate calendar system, technical support, informational video content, and a cloud environment for storing departmental document files.

The "Digital University" status and performance indicators of international activities were discussed at the university administration

The speaker also presented information on the completeness of the portfolio of educational programs at all faculties. It was noted that, in addition to the legal requirements for these documents, there are university regulations, the requirements of which must also be met, including employer feedback. The importance of this work is evidenced by the results of the survey of higher education students, which indicate that some EP portfolios do not have sufficient information to determine the disciplines of free choice.

The "Digital University" status and performance indicators of international activities were discussed at the university administration

Olha Porkuian analyzed the indicators of KPI performance in 2022/2023 in all areas – she drew attention to the fact that the indicators that are quite difficult to fulfill are: an increase in the volume of revenues to the special fund based on the results of scientific and scientific and technical work under international cooperation projects, on the results of scientific and scientific and technical work under economic contracts and on the results of the provision of scientific services; an increase in the number of specialized laboratories, modern multifunctional educational spaces created with the participation of the organization

Ruslan Halhash, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work, Economics and Development, reported on the planned key performance indicators for international activities in 2022/2023 and measures to achieve them.

The "Digital University" status and performance indicators of international activities were discussed at the university administration

The speaker noted that the indicators for the reporting period were achieved and described in detail each indicator, methods of its calculation and ways of achieving it: an increase in the total number of class hours of the share of class hours during which academic disciplines are taught in English, French and German; an increase in the share of higher education students participating in international academic mobility programs (volume – at least 4 ECTS credits (120 hours), per calendar year); an increase in the number of full-time research and teaching staff. The speaker also drew attention to the fact that the indicators for the university have been achieved, but the contribution of the departments is uneven, as some departments fulfill the indicators with an excess, while others are underperforming.

Ruslan Halhash also provided information on the university’s entry into the QS ranking and the criteria.