Students of the Law Faculty, future political scientists and international relations specialists, completed their internship by participating in an online discussion of the two-year action plan for the international initiative Open Government Partnership.

Students made suggestions and actively discussed the creation of transparent and accountable governance that is responsive to the needs of citizens. The new two-year action plan is being developed with the youth in mind, as it is they who must set the direction for the renewal and development of the modern world.

Ukraine has been a member of the Initiative since its inception in 2011. This international cooperation currently unites 78 countries and 76 subnational governments. The Initiative has achieved significant preliminary results: e-declaration, a web portal for declarations of income, property and expenses of public officials; the electronic public procurement system ProZorro/DoZorro; electronic petitions, electronic appeals; a single web portal for the use of public funds, the Transparent Budget and Budget for Citizens systems, etc.

There is still a lot of work to be done: conducting electronic consultations, approving the draft plan; clarifying the measures with experts and members of the public; finalizing and submitting it to the Government. The university students are ready to continue to participate in the work on the Initiative, from creating two-year action plans and implementing them to monitoring and evaluating progress.