The second training in the series of online fundraising trainings by Ruslan Kraplych for the academic staff of Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University took place
At the beginning of the training, the participants presented their achievements in building internal ties in terms of attracting resources, maintaining constant communication with those who supported us, and outlining the steps that will be taken to establish ties with the external community, i.e. potential partners.

The following issues were further discussed during the training: student participation and building a fundraising system for the viability of the university, the formation and stages of development of a university-based fundraising department.

It is worth reminding that a series of fundraising trainings for university academic staff is being held within the framework of the Project “Strengthening the Fundraising Capacity of Displaced Universities”, which is being implemented by Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University in cooperation with Mariupol State University under the Program “Strengthening Displaced Ukrainian Universities for Sustainable Development”, implemented by the Fulbright Program in Ukraine and funded by the Press, Education and Culture Section of the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine.