Students learned to make financial decisions

Olena Tyshchenko, Associate Professor of the Department of Finance and Banking, conducted an online training for higher education students of the Faculty of Economics and Management entitled “Types of Financial Institutions” as part of the events dedicated to the Global Money Week.

Global Money Week is an annual international educational campaign that aims to develop the financial awareness of children and young people, to form the necessary knowledge, skills, behavior and attitudes necessary to make smart and balanced financial decisions, which will allow them to achieve financial well-being and sustainability in the future.

Students learned to make financial decisions
Students learned to make financial decisions

During the event, higher education students were able to learn more about the peculiarities of the functioning of various financial institutions: credit unions, insurance companies, pawnshops, non-state pension funds; identified the components of loan debt and pitfalls in setting the interest rate on loans.

Students learned to make financial decisions
Students learned to make financial decisions

During the brainstorming session, they clarified financial issues related to visiting financial institutions and solved a financial crossword puzzle. During the testing, which took place using the Menti platform, the best student on the topic was determined.

Students learned to make financial decisions
Students learned to make financial decisions
Students learned to make financial decisions