The project “Strengthening the Fundraising Capacity of Displaced Universities” is implemented by Volodymyr Dahl Eastern Ukrainian National University in cooperation with Mariupol State University with the organizational support of the NGO “Prostir Foundation” within the framework of the Program “Strengthening Displaced Ukrainian Universities for Sustainable Development” implemented by the Fulbright Program in Ukraine and funded by the Press, Education and Culture Section of the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine.

Representatives of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” were invited to the next meeting with fundraising experts: Olha Demydenko, Head of the Academic Mobility Department, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Linguistics for Educational Work and International Activities, and Yaroslav Burlakov, 2nd year student, leader of the student project-grant team of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, former head of the Department of Innovation and International Youth Policy of the NGO “JCI Youth”.
During the meeting, representatives of the partner university spoke about their initiatives and projects, focusing on parity and partnerships between the administration, faculty, and students of the university. In particular, such projects as the Sikorsky Challenge, the Project Management Club, the KPI Buddy Club, the RESCUU project, the Pechera Resource Room Space, various festivals, and others were noted.