Future journalists are preparing to protect Ukrainians from the invasion of disinformation

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University and the All-Ukrainian NGO “Commission on Journalistic Ethics” have signed a Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation. The goal is to jointly declare values, agree on positions and directions in order to coordinate efforts that will contribute to the development of the specialty 061 “Journalism”.

The Parties agree to cooperate in the following:

  • to recognize the Code of Ethics of Ukrainian Journalists, to be its signatories, to make efforts to develop self-regulation in the media;
  • make efforts to popularize the Code of Ethics of Ukrainian Journalists, recommend journalists and editorial offices to join the Code; 
  • organize periodic meetings/discussions to exchange views to improve cooperation, hold joint conferences, seminars, etc; 
  • exchange information and methodological materials, monitoring results related to the subject of the memorandum; 
  • conduct joint consultations, research, and other work, join forces in joint projects (including grant funding) aimed at developing self-regulation in the media, improving the quality of professional journalism, and provide joint consultations as needed and in response to requests; 
  • disseminate information about each other’s activities, decisions, recommendations, tasks, and successes in the media and among their target audiences for educational purposes.