Anna Yurchenko, a third-year student majoring in 014.01 Secondary Education (Ukrainian Language and Literature) (supervisor – Anna Halenko, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Ukrainian Philology and Journalism), presented Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University in the final of the Vitalii Case All-Ukrainian Shakespearean Student Research and Creative Projects Competition.
The competition was held for the 12th time. About 50 participants from 20 Ukrainian universities took part in the qualifying round. The best student projects made it to the final, which took place in March 2023.

The plenary session of the final stage was opened by Mykola Zhulynskyi, Director of the Taras Shevchenko Institute of Literature of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Philology, who congratulated the winners of the competition who made it to the final. The competition is held to intensify Shakespearean studies in Ukraine, popularize the legacy of William Shakespeare, identify philologically gifted youth, and stimulate students’ research and creative activity as an important factor in the formation of new type of specialists.
Evaluating the works, the jury members noted that the finalists of the Competition demonstrated a high level of research, creativity and, at the same time, strength of spirit, because in the face of alarms they continue to live, to tell the world about themselves, and our national Shakespearean discourse sounds in the context of world Shakespearean studies.
The staff of the Department of Ukrainian Philology and Journalism congratulates the finalist of the competition Anna Yurchenko and wishes her further victories!