Olena Karchevska, Associate Professor of the Department of Political Science and International Relations at Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, took part in a two-day online training “Russian Advocacy in Ivano-Frankivsk Region: Detection, Deception, Protection” organized with the support of NGO Internews Ukraine and the EU Delegation to Ukraine as part of the all-Ukrainian communication campaign “Moving Forward Together”. Such events are aimed at strengthening counteraction to enemy propaganda, raising awareness of war crimes, and international advocacy.

The trainers detailed and comprehensively covered the topics: “Hybrid war: what is the “secret of effectiveness” of Russian propaganda?” and “Narratives of Russian propaganda in Ivano-Frankivsk region”. Particular attention was paid to the analysis of collections of political, historical and economic disinformation, which is most often used by the aggressor in the media spaces of Ukraine and foreign countries. Participants also completed exercises to debunk manipulations and fakes among the news replicated by regional and national media, and identified disinformation components of psychological operations aimed at creating disbelief in Ukraine’s victory.

The acquired skills will be implemented in pedagogical work and will allow to stimulate critical thinking among students who are active users of new media.