A career guidance meeting was held between teachers of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University’s Faculty of Agriculture and students of separate structural subdivisions (professional colleges) of Luhansk National Agrarian University.

During the event, the heads of the departments presented the specialties of the faculty: 201 Agronomy, 92 Construction and Civil Engineering, 193 Geodesy and Land Management, 101 Ecology, 211 Veterinary Medicine, 208 Agroengineering, 181 Food Technology, 204 Technology of Production and Processing of Livestock Products.

The faculty members spoke about the relevance and importance of the educational programs and outlined the prospects for the development of these specialties for the country. They told about the areas in which specialists in these specialties can work, about student academic mobility, about the possibility of creative and scientific development of the individual, about modern methods of learning and teaching, about the practical orientation of training.