Professional skills of the NGO “Progresylni”

University lecturers took part in a series of professional development events “Progressive Teaching: Components of the Higher Education Quality System” from the NGO “Progresylni”.

The meetings were held in the format of open lectures, workshops and public talks. The speakers were members of the sectoral expert councils of the National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance and researchers from leading Ukrainian universities. 

NGO “Progresylni” is a community of active people who create a new quality of education in Ukraine. It brings together teachers, students, scientists, and public figures to build horizontal communications, professional development, and protect their rights. Progressives strengthen and develop network communication between educators who are open to change and ready to apply creative methods in the educational process. 

The following topics were discussed at the meetings:

1. The issue of academic integrity and why it is important in the context of the country’s development.

2. How to design a quality educational program.

3. Institutional quality assurance of the educational process: formation and development.

4. Content of the educational program: labor market requirements and actualization.

5. Barrier-free and conditions for inclusive education.

6. Synergy of non-formal and academic education: tools and best practices.

7. Why should a successful educational process be public?

8. Science as an integral part of the training of a modern specialist.

9. Lifelong learning for a teacher: a requirement from above or a necessity of our time?

10. Methods of quality teaching: life hacks from Progressive.

Professional skills of the NGO "Progresylni"

Congratulations to our colleagues on the successful completion of the course!