The next stage tour with the support of the USAID Economic Support to Ukraine project was held

Students, faculty and researchers from Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University took part in a new study tour organized with the support of the USAID Economic Support for Ukraine project. The tour participants visited Plasmatec in Rudnytsia village, Vinnytsia region.

The purpose of the study tours is to familiarize students with modern Ukrainian business, popularize dual education, and find stakeholders for educational programs.

The next stage tour with the support of the USAID Economic Support to Ukraine project was held

PRJSC Plasmatec is a leader in the production of welding materials that constantly innovates and improves its products. The company has its own research laboratory where new technologies and formulas are developed. PRJSC Plasmatec is dynamically developing and making scientific discoveries, has many new ideas and challenges.

During the study tour, the participants visited the main workshops of the enterprise, saw all stages of the production process: from the preparation of the charge to the manufacture of electrodes and welding wire, learned about modern methods of processing liquid acidic wastewater, which reduce the negative impact on the environment. The students also learned about the working conditions at the enterprise and employment prospects for dual education. Teachers received information about the possibility of internships at the company and writing qualification papers based on the activities and experience of Plasmatec.

The next stage tour with the support of the USAID Economic Support to Ukraine project was held

Some of the company’s employees are studying at Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University in a dual form. Therefore, during the study tour, the teachers were able to meet their students directly at their workplaces.