Students of the specialty 211 “Veterinary Medicine” passed the Unified State Qualification Examination (USQE) at the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine.
The USQE in the specialty “Veterinary Medicine” at the second (master’s) level of higher education is a mandatory component of the certification of applicants for higher education in the specialty “Veterinary Medicine”. The ECQ is a standardized form of control over the achievement of learning outcomes by a higher education student defined by the higher education standard and the assessment of such learning outcomes.
The purpose of the USQE is to assess the readiness of a graduate of a higher education institution to independently carry out the professional activities of a veterinarian. To successfully pass the USQE, a future veterinarian must have the competencies that are formed during the study of a set of fundamental, preclinical, and clinical disciplines throughout the entire regulatory period at a higher education institution. The testing of applicants lasted 120 minutes, during which they had to answer 100 test situational tasks.
Завідувач ННВ Клінічний центр «Ветмедсервіс» доцент В’ячеслав Соломон познайомив зі своїм великим і важливим господарством, яке забезпечує освітній процес студентів факультету. Центр обладнаний високотехнологічними приладами для рентгендіагностики, ендоскопії тварин, грумінгу, стоматології, а також має «Банк крові тварин» і співпрацює з науковими медичними установами.