Methodological materials for the University Mediation Center

The University Mediation Center of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University (headed by Prof. Olha Losievska), which operates on the basis of the Department of Psychology and Sociology, received methodological materials for use in the process of cooperation and professional interaction with the NGO La Strada-Ukraine.

The NGO La Strada-Ukraine works to ensure gender equality, build peace, prevent gender-based violence, including domestic violence, combat human trafficking, and ensure children’s rights by promoting the implementation of human rights standards in all spheres of society and the state.

Such cooperation expands the capabilities of the University Mediation Center to study the global experience of the NGO “La Strada-Ukraine” and focuses joint efforts on the movement of global trends, equips it with methods and materials developed by different countries for their further implementation in the activities of the Center and the University as a whole.