Achievements of students in sports programming

Students of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University Danylo Matiuk, Oleksii Myshko, Petro Shopin (coach – Associate Professor Maryna Derkach) have won the right to participate in the second qualifying stage for the International Collegiate Programming Contest 2023 (ICPC-2023) in Southeast Europe (SEERC), as they won a prize in the quarterfinals. The results of the first stage of ICPC-Ukraine in the Eastern region, which took place on September 30 online on the E-Olymp platform, were summarized for Luhansk region.

This is the oldest, largest and most prestigious sports programming competition for students of universities, colleges and pupil teams of general secondary education institutions. The Olympiad helps motivate students to work hard on their own to improve their professional level in programming, increase their knowledge of computer science, discrete mathematics, mathematical logic, develop efficient algorithms and programs, and identify and support gifted students.

Under martial law, the safety of the participants is of utmost importance, but even the air raid that sounded throughout the country during the competition did not prevent the participants from successfully solving the tasks! That’s why 34 teams took part in the Eastern region and 272 teams in Ukraine!

We are proud of our students and wish them further growth and success!