A lecture by a real hacker

Students majoring in 121 Software Engineering and 126 Information Systems and Technologies attended a guest lecture on “Ethical Hunting for Unethical Hackers.” The lecturer was a real hacker and the founder of the community of Ukrainian hacker-activists HackYourMom, Mykyta Knysh.

The speaker touched upon topical issues of cybersecurity, countering hacker attacks, and ensuring the security of personal data. Mykyta Knysh spoke about the legal and technological aspects of ethical or “white” hacking, and presented a set of tools for analyzing systems for penetration, as well as OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) – collecting data from open sources. During the lecture, the students initiated a lively discussion on the boundaries between ethical and unethical hacking, as well as access to darknet resources.

The lecture was organized as part of the participation of the Department of Information Technology and Programming in the international project “Cybersecurity of Critical Infrastructure”.