Barrier-free space is a new standard of construction and a standard of education

Vasyl Donenko, Head of the PNM of the specialty 192 “Civil Engineering and Urbanism”, Professor of the Department of Civil Engineering, Urbanism and Spatial Planning, took part in the meeting of the heads of subcommittees of scientific and methodological commissions of the specialties 191 “Architecture and Urbanism” and 192 “Civil Engineering and Urbanism” at the invitation of the Scientific and Methodological Center for Higher and Professional Higher Education and the curator from the Scientific and Methodological Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

The meeting was devoted to the inclusion in the educational standards of higher education of the issues of developing competence in compliance with the requirements of legislation, building codes, standards and rules, technical regulations, and other regulatory documents in the fields of urban planning and architecture during new construction, reconstruction, restoration and overhaul of buildings and structures, in particular, to ensure physical accessibility.

Vasyl Donenko proposed to implement the elements of the National Strategy for Creating a Barrier-Free Space in Ukraine for the Period up to 2030 in the amendments to the standard of higher education in the specialty 192 “Civil and Civil Engineering” of the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education in the relevant special competencies and learning outcomes of graduates of higher education institutions.

The proposals of the scientists were taken into account in the Order of the Minister of Education and Science Oksen Lisovyi “On Amendments to Certain Higher Education Standards”.