Polish Future Customs Officers Study Ukrainian Language, Literature and Culture

Olexander Hlotov, Professor of the Department of Journalism and Ukrainian Studies, Doctor of Philology, met with students of the State Academy of Applied Sciences (Holm, Poland) who are preparing to become customs officers and therefore studying Ukrainian language, literature and culture.

The meeting was held at the invitation of the Head of the Slavic Studies Department of the Academy, Dr. Myroslava Kawetska, in the process of coordinating the publication of the next issue of the scientific collection.

The fact that half of the population of this border town has historically Ukrainian surnames could not but arouse the interest of Ukrainian teachers and students. Therefore, “our people” have been studying and working at the Academy for a long time. And in February 2022, together with the Poles, they provided assistance to their fellow citizens who were forced to leave their destroyed homes.

The cooperation between the Kholm higher education institution and Ukrainian universities has many different aspects: visits of lecturers, mutual publications in academic journals, and exchange of students and teachers.